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The Baja LTVA – Things You Should Know
We’ve compiled some useful tips for living in Mexico from our personal experiences starting with;
Getting Money
Most Mexican Banks have cash machines outside. For example, there is an HSBC bank in Lazaro Cardenas, close to the town of San Quintín. Their ATM machines have both Spanish and English text. You are charged a flat rate of approximately 33 pesos (about $1.80) on the Mexican side and $2.50 by your U.S. bank. As the fee is flat-rate, you pay the same to withdraw $10 as $365. We suggest you withdraw the maximum of $7000 Pesos (about $365) if you will be staying here long enough to use it. Just like the U.S. and Canada, be sure to get your cash during business hours and not late at night. And surprise, you can elect to get U.S. Dollars instead of Pesos at most ATMs.
Eating Out
Many of the local restaurants offer great food at value prices. However, always take a minute and watch them preparing food. Make sure they have water for washing the food and their hands AND that they use it.
Internet service is acceptable when it is up and running, which is most of the time. If you pay your bills online, we do so a day early to be sure we have a good connection. No matter where you are on the planet, Internet crime is a major factor. Additionally, note that when in Mexico, all of your searches and many times, website languages will be in Spanish. You can use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to avoid this. A VPN is a more secure way of using open connections and can also display your Internet-related pages from a U.S. or Canadian address. This can also be a factor from services that you can only access from your native country. We use Private Internet Access for VPN services. It costs $39.95 annually or $6.95 monthly. Summing it up, using a VPN is far safer than an open connection and a VPN lets you change where you appear to be.
While Fidel’s El Pabellon trucks in salt-free water and Los Olivos has informed us they will soon be installing a reverse osmosis system, be aware that salty water can cause damage to your RV’s plumbing, including significantly shortening the life of the water heater. No matter what the source of your RV’s water, whether it be from Canada, U.S. or Mexico, a few drops of chlorine in the RV’s water tank to purify the water is a good idea. Filtering any water for your RV is also advised.
For those of you who have stayed at the US Southern LTVAs, you will be happy to know that there is far less wind here than there is in the desert. And though you won’t be cleaning up as much dust as in the desert, you’ll be sweeping out plenty of beach sand:). Also note that like about anywhere on the Pacific Coast, you will have many cloudy mornings and more cloudy days than in the desert LTVAs.
Baja Rumors
The worst thing about the Internet is that it gave a voice to people who perhaps shouldn’t have one. Also, people tend to believe the first thing they read without further investigation or thought about the source of the information and whether or not it’s reliable.
We decided to add this section after a person with a medical degree actually asserted with full confidence that Mexico wasn’t right for him because, as he stated, his vehicle wasn’t 5 years old so he couldn’t bring it down here. When asked where in God’s name he got that information, he answered, on the Internet! Worse yet, even after discussing our years of experience with buying and parking brand-new vehicles down in Baja and crossing the border at least 100 times with these vehicles and never having a problem, he still continued to believe the information he read on the Internet.
Another source, perhaps the largest source of misinformation, are Facebook, message boards and comment sections where anyone is allowed to make un-moderated comments. We reviewed a popular blog about Baja where someone posted a legitimate question concerning robberies on the road between San Quintín and San Vicente and asked whether anyone had knowledge about this. Instead of answering the question, the replies were about how to combat would-be robbers with bug spray, hair spray or pepper spray. If there was a legitimate problem with robberies, there was no mention of it.
As for Facebook, we have a rule: never use it as a source for reliable information! Facebook simply makes it too easy to publish and spread rumors, in fact it promotes it with their policies getting users on a quest for likes or to be trending without any thought of the consequences. Here is a simple check. See who is publishing a message board hosted on Facebook. Go to their personal page and see what they are re-posting and from where. Their page and re-posts will generally show their true colors.
We recommend doing research in places like government websites, legitimate news agencies and websites, not message boards, before reaching any conclusions. Having preconceived fears about Baja then reading some fly-by-night blog or message board to reinforce those fears, then communicating that misinformation to others, benefits no-one. Baja is not for everyone. If you’re afraid to come to Baja, just admit that to yourself and stay home. The danger with letting everyone comment online is just not working anymore. Worse, it can put people in danger or negatively affect their lives.
For reasonable people with real concerns, we will be happy to address those concerns honestly and point you to reputable websites with substantiated facts. We want to get you correct information, just as we have provided in this article. So please write us with your questions. Also note that we do not support a public discussion board but rather monitored comments by our members.
Update: Keeping Baja to Themselves. We just got some insight on where these crazy Baja rumors are coming from. A family of “Millennials” from Montreal Canada camped near us for a couple of days with an RV loaded with surfboards. One day we crossed paths where he was forced to say hi to us (ever notice how retirees are invisible to Millennials) and strike up a short conversation. He seemed upset when we told him we were creating the San Quintin Baja LTVA down here to get retirees to Baja.
He asserted that he had been living here for 3 years and made it clear that surfers down in Baja don’t want people to know “just how safe it is” because it is “their Baja”. Just like surfers are territorial in the water, he left no doubt in my mind that he felt the same possessiveness about Baja.
We found the same sentiment with environmental campers, or at least those claiming to be environmental campers, yet ran their generators as they had no solar systems, and bird and whale watchers who want Baja to stay just the way it has been through the years. So maybe these crazy rumors are coming from groups who want to keep Baja all to themselves and have found that scare tactics work best to keep people away.
To be honest, we feel as possessive about Baja as the surfers and the environmentalists we have spoken with. After all, who wants another Southern California down here? But, we feel senior citizens would be a great asset to the area. Their environmental impact will be almost non-existent in their solar powered RVs while their financial impact at local businesses would benefit the community down here.
Our experience with the locals is that most welcome us with open arms and “Bienvenidos”!
The Flip Side
On the other side of the coin are websites that are little more than brochures for Baja. Some are simply in love with Baja and their new home. Others are selling services and products to those visiting Baja. These websites tend to leave out any negative information about Baja and what’s happening here. While we can understand that they wish to combat the rumors posed by the others as outlined above, this can be equally dangerous. Two websites that fit this profile still offer valuable information on many services you will need down in Baja. We like They sell insurance online and have many how-to articles. We also like which is Mexico’s own award-winning (by the Mexican government) website. Please be sure to use the available information and services from these websites, but use common sense when reading any opinions.
Question our motivation at as well.
We too have an interest in getting people to Baja and the Baja LTVA. But consider this. There are, according to the BLM LTVA District office managing the main Southern LTVA campgrounds, over 14,000 LTVA passes sold during the Winter season, 11,000 at Quartzsite an 3,000 at Imperial Dam. We currently have only 200 – 300 LTVA sites available. We are dealing with people that will be here a minimum of 6 months at a time and will return every year. We only allow those over 55 years old to receive the highly-discounted rates. Ask yourself what would be our motive to deceive you? Does anyone think we want people down here where WE LIVE, to come knocking on our door because we gave them bad or misleading information?
Our only goal is to provide you with the best information we can, so that you can make an educated decision as to the Baja LTVA being right for you. We know that Baja is not for everyone and we thank God for that, as we have only one kampsite available for every 56 Southern LTVAers.
Please note that both Baja LTVA Kampgrounds and Members, can and will be removed for violations of the Baja LTVA standards. But don’t worry, our standards are about honesty and consideration of your neighbors. In our day we called it common sense and common courtesy. However, this ain’t California and we will do our best to keep it that way. The Baja LTVA.
Contacting Us
While we are building the Baja LTVA, if you want information or to come down this summer, you can contact us at [email protected].
The Baja LTVA – Summer, Winter or Year Round
The Pressing Need for a Summer LTVA Replacement
During the winter season, from September 15 until April 15, Boondockers have a wonderful choice of BLM LTVAs, with Imperial Dam being the cream at the top of the list. Unfortunately, during the summer season, the choices of where to stay for long-term visitors at the BLM, U.S. Forests and National Parks are slim indeed.
Up until now, the only choices of summer LTVAs have been campgrounds run by the BLM Bishop Field Office. The Southern BLM LTVAs are quick to point out and deny any association with the BLM Bishop Field Office and for good reason, strongly declaring they are not part of the BLM’s LTVA system. The Bishop BLM District once offered a summer long-term rate. It does no longer, at least not one affordable to many Boondockers.
The Bishop Field Office disproportionately raised their long-term rates on a group consisting almost entirely of seniors. They jumped their senior rate by almost 300% while their other, short-term rates only went up a maximum of 50%. If the Bishop Field Office’s intent was to target and remove seniors from their campgrounds, they were successful in doing so.
This comes as no surprise, as the Bishop BLM District certainly appears to be the most corrupt BLM district in the country and by all accounts, the worst run.
All of this points out the urgent need for a summer replacement for all those full-time RVers looking for a long-term summer home. Welcome to the Baja LTVA!
What Is The Perfect Summer LTVA?
At the top of everyone’s list are cool temperatures. Next are shopping and medical facilities. And certainly, how about a low cost of living?
A little more specific on our lists are water, dump stations, trash disposal, laundry, propane and gas stations. Then there are showers, the view and of course, security.
Many Southern LTVAers have gotten used to the cheap drug prices and dentists right across the border in Los Algodones as well as having a city like Yuma close by.
So, what if we could have an LTVA that had all of the above and a whole lot more? Keep reading.
The Baja LTVA, a place for all seasons
The Baja LTVA is a group of campgrounds in the San Quintín Valley area. That’s right! San Quintín, Baja California, Mexico on the Pacific side of the Peninsula. If you like San Diego weather, rated the best in the continental U.S., this is the place for you! The Baja LTVA offers special rates for both the Winter and Summer seasons. Many may find out after staying here for the season that they simply don’t want to leave. For those who wish to retire down here, we are negotiating special rates for ocean view and access lots where you can lease a lot for just under 10 years for $1000 – $1500 per year and make it your home. This is the perfect way to enjoy this pristine paradise year round. More information on this is coming soon.
While many of you may shudder in fear at the thought of going to Baja after hearing those stories of kidnapping, rape and murder, you might want to check out the actual statistics which show that you are much more likely to be affected by crime in almost any major U.S. or Canadian city. Would you go for a stroll after midnight in Chicago? We didn’t think so.
First off, there are three Mexico’s. 1) The border towns, (this is where most of the reputation for crime comes from), 2) the resorts, (if you’ve got the bucks) and, 3) what we call “Old Mexico”, small towns far from the borders and the resorts where the people are friendly, the prices are low and you can enjoy some of the most spectacular views on the planet. Yes, there’s crime in “Old Mexico” as well, but see the part about “actual statistics” in the paragraph above.
As long-time veterans of living in Baja, we’ve never had a problem, which we attribute to following a few very simple rules: Don’t travel at night, don’t be an “ugly American” (this goes for Canadians as well) and use your head, common sense applies. Just because you’re a northerner south of the border, don’t assume everyone thinks you’re one of the greatest people on the planet. Just like everywhere, you need to earn respect. The one thing you will notice is that you will be given every opportunity to earn respect by the locals and be welcomed to their community. A hint: try to learn a little Spanish. This is appreciated by the locals more than you can imagine. It doesn’t matter how badly you mangle the language, they will always be there with a smile and help you along. And most importantly, be prepared to laugh, especially at yourself.
As for the trip down to San Quintín, if you have driven California highway 1, then you will love the scenic, winding drive down to the Baja LTVA. If the thought of driving your rig down highway 1 makes you sweat, ya’ better stay north.
There is a gang problem in Baja just like in all major U.S. and Canadian cities. Gangs fight for territory here just like up North. Violence, yes even murders, are almost always between rival gangs.
Note that violence is rare in the San Quintín valley, but has happened. Also note that when it did, Federal and Baja state police reacted with an enormous response, far greater than the Berkeley police did when innocent people were beaten and property destroyed as the Berkeley Police stood by and watched. Almost never are innocent people or property affected here.
Big Time Shopping: Most everything you want is available locally, with no need to cross the border for cheap drugs, dental and medical care since you’re already across the border! Also, all of the major shopping chains like Costco, Walmart, Home Depot, etc., are just a shopping day away in Ensenada.
One of the benefits of your membership (almost ready!) to our family of websites is that you will be able to get everything you need to come to the Baja LTVA on our websites, with detailed instructions and any required paperwork like permits and insurance, including medevac insurance. You will also be able to select (complete with tour) and pay for your site online. And if you prefer coming down in groups, we will be organizing caravans. We recommend crossing at Tecate where there is almost no waiting and gasoline and a peso exchange are available at Tecate U.S. just before you cross the border.
The Baja LTVA Kampgrounds
No matter if you want a gated community with full hookups close to town or one right on the ocean, it is here waiting for you. With full hookup sites, be advised that the water is a little salty. It’s good for showers and washing but not for drinking. Drinking water is available for about 3 pesos (about $0.16) a gallon.
Los Olivos RV Park: Is a gated, manicured campground close to town. It’s run by a Canadian Christian Group, but don’t worry, church is not required. It offers many of the amenities English-speaking North Americans expect. There are 7 full hookup sites (15 amp service only), 6 grassy sites under the olive trees with water (grass sites not available during the summer season for LTVA stays) and 6 boondocking sites.
NOTICE: The Baja LTVA and Los Olivos RV Park have decided that the Los Olivos RV Park will not be a part of the Baja LTVA as it does not currently meet our standards nor will the Los Olivos RV Park be able to meet our standards for the upcoming season. Full Story…
Drinking water is available for purchase on the premises. The bathrooms and showers are immaculate as is the swimming pool. The staff is both friendly and helpful. Many speak only Spanish, but posted signs and our upcoming “websphere” will get you by. We estimate rates for boondocking sites will range from $300 – $500 for the season. Please know this is solely our estimate. We will publish the actual rates when and if set with Los Olivos RV Park.
Please note that Los Olivos RV Park, as part of their community outreach program, for a small charge, allow locals to use their youth facilities which include the pool, soccer field, bike track and playground. We’re told that the use is heaviest during June – August with average ages 2 – 16. Note that the manager Stan Schulz has alerted us to advise members that they should keep their items locked up due to what he described as thefts by some visitors to the recreation area.
Los Olivos RV Park is close to what we have not yet personally reviewed, but understand is one of the areas’ best hotel and restaurant, Jardines Baja. We’re told it offers a place for anyone visiting you to stay, right next door, and a great place to go for dinner with or without your guests. And all within a few minutes’ walk.
The Negatives: Although to get anywhere off the main highway (Mexico Highway 1) you must take dirt roads, the road to Los OlivosRV Park is an especially bone-jarring one. To go to town, we had to add 10 minutes to the trip, each way. If you’re driving your RV, double that time. Also, although free WiFi is included by Los Olivos RV Park, it is spotty at best from the full-hookup sites. To get the best reception you will need to sit on the bench outside the pool, close to the office where the inside WiFi is located.
Los Olivos RV Park:
Fidel’s El Pabellon: Is located right on the Pacific Ocean with a spectacular beach and gorgeous sunsets. One of its biggest assets is Fidel, the owner and your host, who lives right on the premises and speaks “pretty good” English. There are 6 water and electric (15 amps only) and 2 electric-only sites available for $15 a day and about 54 spacious, beachfront and ocean view boondocking sites. Amenities include flush toilets, showers, dump station and it has fresh water trucked in (not salty as at most campgrounds). WiFi is available from the main office (and Fidel’s residence). Every site is large and has spectacular views and beach access. The beach is a local favorite for clamming and fishing. Swimming is fantastic with water temps the same as San Diego! OK, us silver haired folks may wait until August to test the water, when the temperature reaches 70F.
As you would expect with an LTVA right on the beach, boondocking prices are determined by the proximity of the row to the beach. Guess what! A season (6 months) costs less than a beachfront San Diego RV Park charges for less than a week. There are 3 rows ranging from beachfront to the rear. Kampsites are roomy with an average size of 45′ wide by 50′ – 100′ long. Prices are for the ENTIRE 6 month season. Beachfront rows (right on the El Pabellon beach): $500, row 2: $400, row 3 on back (what we call Boondocker’s Paradise): $300 and includes ocean view and beach access for you and your car (you can drive on the beach similar to Pismo Beach in California). All sites will soon be available to view, schedule, reserve and pay for online at the San Quintín Baja LTVA (coming soon). Both the San Quintín Websphere and Fidel’s (coming soon) will get you to the online booking site as well.
For the 6 water and electric (15 amp service) and 2 electric-only sites, we estimate an additional charge of $5 per day (air conditioning and electric heaters prohibited). Metered connections are planned for the near future. During part of the winter season (January – March), Fidel is a stop-over for RV caravans touring Baja, so you may have some company for a few days.
As our members discover this hidden jewel, part of their fees will go to painting and minor repairs with near-resort-like facilities on the horizon.
For full disclosure: Fidel’s El Pabellon is the campground where the authors of this article chose to live.
The Negatives: Fidel’s El Pabellon is about 20 minutes south of most shopping but the condition of the road to and from Fidels’s, though not perfect, can shorten the time frame as compared to other campgrounds closer to town. The campground is right on the ocean so even the sand dunes out front may not stop a storm surge from flooding the campground. While this is very rare (once about every 5 years we’re told), when a severe storm is imminent, you can move up the access road and sit out the storm. Fidel’s, like most campgrounds, is dependent on income from the campground itself and this diamond in the rough has also been left out of any professional Internet exposure. In fact, what Internet exposure Fidel’s has had resulted in its online GPS coordinates set to another kampground.
More Kampgrounds Coming
We have just started inspecting and signing up kampgrounds in the area for the Baja LTVA. We expect to add more great, inspected kampgrounds to our list. As always, we will provide our members with the facts, both good and bad, about every one of them. We will also offer mediation if it is ever required and we reserve the right to cancel the membership of any member solely at our discretion. This applies both to members and member kampgrounds.
About the Baja LTVA
The Baja LTVA is about providing services to our members, mostly seniors. Many are part of a real community in the Southern BLM LTVAs. During the summer season, many have homes or boondock around the Northwest, staying 2 weeks at a time at National Forests and BLM land. The Baja LTVA gives our members an alternative for the summer and winter seasons, alternatives with which, we think, they will be very happy.
Our new membership directory was designed to help our members in the case of an emergency. Basically, when our members call 911, their location, directions and medical history are made available to emergency responders. This allows our members and their medical records to be found. Additionally, it can alert Emergency Assistance Teams to help find members in remote locations. Package delivery, when available, and friends and family notification in an emergency, are other great features.
We are greatly expanding our services to work across all of our websites. Our intention is to provide everything necessary for our members to register at a kampground and pay their fees online. We will also include the ability to purchase Tourist Visas and auto/RV insurance online with just a click or two. Of course, we will also provide information to not only help members get here, but make them knowledgeable by having honest information available. Wait until our new “Websphere” is up and running. This will hook members up with information and custom Google maps with door-to-door directions to businesses and services as well as the local points of interest you won’t want to miss. We make it simple to find it, learn about it and rate it.
So sign up for our newsletter and shortly, visit the new Baja LTVA (coming real soon). We make you feel like you’re already here.
This is an overview of our upcoming series on San Quintín and just how we’re building the Baja LTVA from the ground up. You can be part of that. Be sure to tune in for part 1, where we will talk about getting ready for our fantastic trip from Imperial Dam LTVA to San Quintín Baja California. This includes getting papers for our two Great Danes, insurance for our two vehicles and our tourist visas, both buying them online and then getting them stamped. And see for yourself the fantastic scenery we enjoyed while getting here.
The Baja LTVA Series
Los Olivos RV Park Removed From Consideration From Baja LTVA Membership
In keeping with our promise to bring our members the good and bad stories about the San Quintín Valley, we regretfully inform you that we have made a decision to remove the Los Olivos RV Park from consideration for membership in the San Qunitin Baja LTVA. There were multiple reasons for this decision which we summarize below.
Crime Area
While we hate to report crime in Baja, the facts are the facts and you have the right to know. There were a series of murders in the San Quintín area. They have been isolated to two very small neighborhoods and only involved gang members. The Federal and State Police response and presence was immediate and effective.
Unfortunately, an incident happened right in front of the Los Olivos RV Park’s front gate involving a high speed chase of a gang member by Police. A shootout ensued which resulted in the gang member being killed by police, right there.
Additionally, the Los Olivos RV Park also advertises “recreation area” in their title for good reason. They solicit locals to use their facilities for a fee. While we applaud this, we have to say, we were apprehensive when the manager, Stan Schulz, informed us of his concerns about the possibility of camp sites being robbed by teenagers who use the Los Olivos Recreation Area. One test we always apply, a simple test, when we rate a campground. When employees leave the office for a short time, do they lock the door? The answer was not just yes, but always.
Additionally, while staying at the Los Olivos RV Park, we were awakened by the flashlight from the Los Olivos Caretaker, Isaias, who was noticeably shaken by noises he heard in the campground area. We can completely understand. Murders up North that same day, the shootout at the Los Olivos RV Park’s front gate and the reported thefts by day-use visitors, had us on alert as well.
Beach-Front and Lot Size
Our Members tell us that being on the Pacific Ocean with its beautiful beaches and temperate climate are their most important consideration when looking for a Baja LTVA Kampground. The Los Olivos RV Park is inland and not on the beach like our other Baja LTVA Kampgrounds. This means that, along with no ocean-view, it will be hotter during the summer months.
Also, Los Olivos RV Park does not have the space to afford oversized lots to our members. Many have already commented about the “parking lot” type sites they see in the photos. That’s a hard sell to LTVAers who are used to wide-open spaces and plenty of distance from their neighbors.
When we considered the narrow lots, salty water at their hookups, lack of reliable WiFi and criminal activity in and in front of Los Olivos RV Park, we decided that this is not a place we could recommend to our members, even though the Los Olivos RV Park supports a Christian outreach program.
Now some good news
The above-mentioned crime has not affected the southern Baja LTVA Kampgrounds at all, which are 20 – 40 minutes South of the gangs’ past turf war. Additionally, the population is so small down “here” (where we live) that there is no turf to fight over. Just like the U.S. and Canada, it is good advice to stay out of the “Big Cities and Towns” at night. Just stick to shopping during the days. My wife shops in town every week with no problems or concerns other than staying alert, as she does wherever she shops, including the U.S. and Canada.
Also note that with the tremendous presence by Federal and State Police, there have been no reported gang-related crimes for weeks. However, although it pains us, we have concluded that the Los Olivos RV Park and location just don’t meet the needs of our members at this time.
Based on this information, we have decided that all of the Baja LTVA Kampgrounds will be beach-front and many miles South of any known criminal activity or area that would encourage any.
Any Members heading to San Quintín who require hookups and/or a temporary stay, Fidel’s El Pabellon has offered our members a reduced fee of $10 per night (1/2 the $20 Los Olivos Fee). To schedule a space or for more information, please write [email protected].
BLM LTVA Fee Increases to $900 and $1800?
WARNING! We’ve just learned that the BLM has announced a rate increase proposal which will increase LTVA passes over 300% – 450% to almost $900 per season and a whopping $1800 per year! While this is starting with the Northern LTVAs, you can be assured the Southern LTVAs, like Imperial Dam and Quartzsite, will be next. Make no mistake about it, this comes from the BLM Regional Office in Sacramento which has a new Acting Deputy State Director Danielle K Chi ([email protected], 916-978-4649) who is about to sneak through this LTVA Pass rate increase of 300% – 450%, to almost $900 for a single season, again, that’s $1800 per year!
As just about every single purchaser of an LTVA Pass is a Senior Citizen, there can be no question that this act specifically targets Senior Citizens, which is a violation of both Federal and State Law.
Additionally, we were unable to find the business plan that supports this proposed outrageous increase on the website they reference in their rate increase proposal, which is a specific violation of the Federal Recreation Enhancement Act.
Stop this rate increase dead in its tracks HERE.
Since the Southern LTVAs currently charge only $180 for their season, for which they make a tidy profit, the logical question to ask is, where is the money for the Northern LTVAs going? We asked several questions in an email to the Field Manager of the Bishop Field Office, Steven L. Nelson. The following is the email we sent to him and is available in its entirety here.
Steve Nelson
Field Manager
BLM, Bishop Field Office
351 Pacu Lane, Suite 100
Bishop, CA 93514
Subject: Fee Proposal
Mr. Nelson:
We currently host communities for the Southern LTVAs and numerous U.S. Forests, which we have found very well managed. We have hosted communities for the Northern LTVAs as well, although they are by far, less used. Currently, we are splitting our website in two and will shortly be announcing 3700 websites for campgrounds managed by the U.S. Forest Service, Army Core of Engineers, BLM and National Parks. Our projections are that they will receive over 1,000,000 visitors per day in season. While we have our own crawlers and will provide all of the normal fluff for campgrounds, we will also be concentrating on how each of the campgrounds are managed in our “Watchdogs” sections. We will be promoting equally, the good and the bad points about the people and campgrounds. For example, the Imperial Dam LTVA is among the best of the best. We have a website up for them right now at We are also putting up a state-of-the-art website for hosts that allow campgrounds to advertise (free) and hire hosts all online. It makes the current host recruitment website look like what it is, antique.
We ran into stories about the Bishop BLM Field Office at the, and that we found more than alarming. We requested and received the background information regarding these stories from the U.S. Watchdogs and were then even more dismayed.
However, what this correspondence is about is what we found in the document entitled: Notice of Intent to Change Fees in Campgrounds on Public Land in the Bishop Field Office, Inyo and Mono Counties, California that says you are looking for a rate increase, almost tripling fees to your LTVA visitors. We found this almost laughable at first glance, as the LTVA visitors are generally Senior Citizens, and at least at the Southern LTVAs, they pretty much manage the day to day of the campgrounds. Here is another fact, they pay $180 for the same length stay that you currently charge $300 for and yet you want to almost triple that amount to almost $900 for the season. In addition, the Southern LTVAs, at the current $180 for the season, make a ton of money. So what comes to mind when you say why you’re raising your fees based on your costs of hosting Senior Citizens is, “That Dog Don’t Hunt”. Therefore, we wanted to see your business plan. You claim in the above-mentioned document that it is available at your website, but we were unable to locate it.
Herein is an official request for your business plan as required pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Federal Recreation Enhancement Act.
We also have questions, listed below, on what appears as mismanagement of the funds you do receive cited in the document from the U.S. Watchdogs that was originally intended for you personally as the Bishop BLM Field Manager. It was authored by a highly regarded prior U.S. Forest Service associate who stayed at your campground for the season. His statements directly contradict the statements made in your above named document, as many of the enhancements you tout were not as represented in your document, nor were based on any facts we could find. Here are just a few:
1: Did you know that your Recreation Ranger, Becky L Hutto, told her Host, XXXXX, to push down the money in the “Iron Ranger” with a coat hanger when it was overflowing? Apparently, Ms. Hutto was too busy having “Climber’s Coffee” to collect the fees. Did anyone bother to think that people, “short term visitors”, would not be able to pay for their campsites even if they wanted to? Have you calculated the amount of revenues lost in just this one area?
2: In the entire season the author of the document we read never saw even one horse at your new “horse corral”. How much did that cost? Or does a Ranger of the Bishop BLM like to ride?
3: How much was it to install the water system? The pipes are buried only about one foot underground in an area that has freezing temperatures in winter, causing you to have no water available during the winter season as you have to drain the pipes so they won’t freeze and burst. Was the design and installation of the water system under the management of your self-proclaimed “plumber”, Recreation Ranger Becky L. Hutto?
4: You installed a solar system to pump water when you have creeks that run year round. What was the amount you spent on this system that only runs when the sun is out? A hydro-electric, environmentally-approved generator, that would produce free, clean, environmentally-friendly electricity 24 hours per day could have been installed for what we believe would have been a fraction of the cost of the solar system. It looks like the current administration is the only one who made out on that deal after they destroyed the U.S. alternative energy industry, companies instead backing losers like Solyndra, with billions of dollars in their loses reported to be only be 500 million. If that’s accurate, that’s 1.7 billion in “solar shingles” for government agencies. Which leads us to our next question.
5: How much did you pay for the solar panels that adorn the Visitor Center in Bishop that are not hooked up? Is this good management or good publicity?
6: You pay your Hosts just over $500 per month for far more work than most Forest Service Hosts have to do, and they receive almost $900 per month, and for a maximum of 20 hours per week. For example, the Tuttle Creek campground has three large loops and 18 bathrooms and 87 campsites plus a group site, yet you have only one host where most similar campgrounds would have three Hosts and more than likely a few caretakers for the bathrooms. This is the case at Imperial Dam where the Hosts and Caretakers receive far more at their campsites than the desert parking spots you provide. We should thank you as a few of your Hosts do get free water and some, a place to dump. Recently, two of your Hosts, XXXXX and XXXXXXX, quit due to a lack of support by Ranger Chris Mason. Now the once spotless bathrooms at the Tuttle Creek and Goodale Creek campgrounds are filthy and without toilet paper. Was their quitting another example of mismanagement by the Bishop BLM Field Office or the complete incompetence of Ranger Chris Mason?
While we are discovering more and more issues with the Bishop BLM Field Office, it has become very clear that there are many questions that need answering. We have to wonder if you need money for the campgrounds or for more pet projects like the Visitor Area’s solar “shingles”.
We can’t foresee any possible reason that the Northern BLMs needs more money, tripling LTVA passes, while the Southern BLMs, which are far larger and charge only a $180 fee, make a very tidy profit. The Northern BLM’s charge a $300 fee, that you now wish to raise to almost $900. However, compared to the Southern BLMs, you have far less cost for Hosts and no Caretakers, yet you claim costs without facts and claim you need more money. Again we ask, mismanagement or incompetence? It’s time for some accountability and common sense.
We have decided that showing the best and worse of the BLM LTVA campgrounds will be the cover story on all 3700 of the new websites and communities on their opening day pages. We want to give you a chance to get us your “Business Plan” and any other information you have to justify the almost tripling of fees on we believe to be totally unsubstantiated facts that the Senior Citizens staying there for the season are costing you more money than the many families and fishermen that also visit.
If you don’t want older folks to stay at your campgrounds, why not just come out and stop the LTVA passes? Or could it be that someone at the BLM may fear them as a voting block? Trust us, they will now be watching.
Additionally, the new Hosts website will include a BBS for them to tell their stories about the campgrounds at which they hosted. You may want to consider that. Also, with the current conditions and support for hosts your Rangers Becky L. Hutto and Chris Mason have shown, we will be rating you, them and your campgrounds with an “F” and putting up a “Hosts Beware” status unless you change your policies and staff. Then again, your Recreation Ranger Becky L. Hutto appears to have a preference, or at least has demonstrated, that she is able to attract hosts from places like San Quentin to fill in the gap.
We will also be covering the history of your Rangers Becky L. Hutto and Chris Mason who we will also be rating in our new “Rangers in Charge” section. I’ll bet you can guess the rating they will be receiving with links to all that has been uncovered in the U.S. Watchdogs’ and Obama Muscles’ investigations. We will additionally be focusing on how you, Steve Nelson, the Bishop BLM Field Manager, has handled what has been uncovered about these Rangers and the Bishop BLM. You see, we believe management does make a difference, and that, as a large portion of our visitors are Senior Citizens, they also believe in accountability and will express that at the polls.
We truly hope you can show a change in policy and direction for your Bishop BLM that we can write about in the same way as we do about the Imperial Dam LTVA. We do wonder if a leopard can change its spots.
The question we are striving to answer, is why visitation to our National campgrounds has dropped an estimated 60% – 80% (we are still researching what appear to be undisclosed or hidden facts on this) from the 1960s while employment of Rangers and other BLM, U.S. Forest, Army Core of Engineers and National Park employees has gone up almost 5 times during that same period. We believe it is purely incompetence and mismanagement by some, not all. And now those responsible for this mismanagement are asking Senior Citizens on fixed income to foot the bill for their incompetence.
Our 3700 websites and our recruiting efforts to send in undercover campers to every one of OUR campgrounds are all underway. We will shine a light on those campgrounds and OUR employees that are the best and worst, publicly without bias, based solely on the facts.
Let’s face it, the dirty laundry is about to be out in the open. Our biggest hope is that we can return all of our campgrounds back to what was originally intended: to the people of this country, rather than what now appears to be the personal fiefdoms of Rangers Becky L. Hutto and Chris Mason.
The facts are: compared to the Southern BLMs who charge $180, you have fewer hosts, pay them less money and have far fewer amenities, yet claim that you need $900 per Senior Citizen LTVA pass. We’ll make sure people know these facts and who is responsible, that’s a promise.
We look forward to your reply.
We will be sending a copy of this email to Danielle Chi, Acting Deputy State Director who signed the fee request and those mentioned herein. We will more than likely be writing a story about Danielle Chi as well as all involved in this fee increase.
We are sending this document to the U.S. Watchdogs requesting that they add it to their website.
[email protected]
Sent: via email: [email protected]
CC: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Dated: September 26, 2016
Our only hope is that we all contact Danielle Chi ([email protected], 916-978-4649) with our opposition for these fee increases that only serve to support mismanagement and incompetence by certain personnel at the BLM Field Offices. As our letter shows, we have asked both Danielle Chi and Steven Nelson for their responses.
Related Stories
- Bishop BLM Investigation: “Conspiracy to Influence an Election”
- Bishop Bureau of Land Management Under Investigation
Complaint Support Documents:
U.S. Watchdogs’ Documents:
- 9/8/2016: U.S. Watchdogs’ shocking inquest to: Field Manager Steven L. Nelson.
- 9/12/2016: U.S. Watchdogs’ escalation of complaint to: Field Manager Steven L. Nelson.
- 9/6/2016: Original complaint faxed to Ranger Chris Mason.
- 9/7/2016: Follow-up complaint faxed to Ranger Chris Mason.
- 9/7/2016: First request for Law Enforcement faxed to Ranger Chris Mason.
- 9/7/2016: After no response from Ranger Chris Mason, fax to him to do his job.
- 9/8/2016: Second request for Law Enforcement faxed to Ranger Chris Mason.
- 9/9/2016: Fax to Field Manager Steven L. Nelson, intervention by U.S. Watchdogs.
- 9/12/2016: Fax to Field Manager Steven L. Nelson, notification of time-sensitive legal documents.
Obama Muscles’ Documents:
Microwave, Solar and the RV
So you have a solar powered RV and are considering using a microwave oven or want to know more about it. If you are not a Boondocker and prefer those full-featured RV “parking lots”, this article doesn’t pertain to you. If you are a boondocker and are living completely off the grid, there are a few things to consider in purchasing and using a microwave oven.
- Will it fit?
- What is on the electrical circuit and how much power do these consume?
- What size is your inverter?
- Is your Inverter Pure or Modified sine wave?
- What will the total wattage load be at any one time?
- What is the size of your battery bank?
- When will you be using the microwave?
- What wattage microwave to get (700 – 1100)?
Once you know the size and how much room is on the circuit, the biggest question is what wattage microwave to get?
Energy Used = Watts x Time
Dispelling the Myth: To heat/cook food in a microwave, regardless of the wattage of the microwave, will use the same amount of energy (electricity) to get the food to the same temperature. For the doubters:
- Energy = 1100 Watts × 210 seconds = 231,000 Joules
- Energy = 700 Watts × 330 seconds = 231,000 Joules
Also, note that due to a microwave’s inefficiency, they do not cook at the same energy as they draw. Connecting to a watt meter while running our 700W-rated Hamilton-Beach microwave gave a reading of 1050 watts. This has to be taken into consideration with your power requirements. Higher-priced microwaves may be more efficient but the only way to know is to check it using a watt meter while the unit is running.
Once we are armed with knowledge, and yes, we all want the food A.S.A.P., the choice comes down to the remaining factors.
- What will we be running at the same time? If you have an electric coffee maker that uses 900 watts and you want to run the microwave at the same time, without anything else running, you would be at 2000 watts, or 1600 watts respectively for an 1100 watt and 700 watt microwave. Then add in the other electrical items you will have running and you will need approximately a 3000 watt inverter and if they are both on the same electrical circuit, that will have to be at least a 20 amp circuit (see your circuit breaker size).
- Inverter Requirements: a) With a 3000 watt or larger inverter, and a 20 amp, or separate electrical circuits, you have part of what is required to run an electric coffee maker and microwave at the same time. b) For the rest of us, a 1500 watt inverter will let you use both your microwave and electric coffee maker, just not at the same time. This works fine with most existing RV electrical wiring that have 20 amp, or even a 15 amp circuit (look at your AC circuit breakers). c) Before you run out to get that new microwave, you have to have the batteries required to handle the load.
- Battery Bank Requirements: Your battery bank is of great importance, more so if you will be using your microwave after solar hours. When your inverter makes power it draws directly from your batteries. Solar, wind or even hydro-electric energy sources simply recharge the batteries. If you have a watt meter hooked up to your solar system, you will have noticed that the batteries show more voltage when the sun is on them and less when you make coffee (yes, with an electric coffee maker). By now, you know when things are off and the sun is down, you get a true reading, not one inflated by charging, or deflated by a high load. While you can do it with less, we recommend a minimum battery bank, for using your microwave and electric coffee maker using a 20 hour rate at:
- Same time: 900 amps
- Separately: 600 amps.
- Pure Sine & Modified Sine Wave Inverters: If you have old appliances, a modified sign wave inverter will work. On many, not all, new appliances, some will require a pure sine wave inverter. You may have the tool you need to test. If you use a generator not named an “Inverter”, you are most likely using modified waves. If all of your appliances work fine, you can use a modified wave inverter. Having said that, we highly recommend a pure sign wave inverter.
Conclusion: If you have a BIG RV and an unlimited budget, or are always plugged into power, the 1100 watt microwave is top shelf. Because of available space, sometimes old circuits, and the size of our inverters and battery bank, a 700 watt microwave is fantastic.
The RV Hobo Art of Boondocking

Boondocking is camping at a place, preferably free, with no hook-ups for water, sewer or electricity. Places like Federal Parks and Forests, LTVAs, on the beaches of Baja and in the Provincial Parks of Canada. To stay at these places, your rig must be self-contained. As the BLM states in its Supplementary Rules, Section 17, “Camping is in self-contained units only. Self-contained camping units must have a permanent, affixed waste water holding tank of 10-gallon minimum capacity. BLM does not consider port-a-potty systems, systems that utilize portable holding tanks, or permanent holding tanks of less than 10-gallon capacity, to be self-contained”.
Update: In addition to the above-mentioned places to stay for Boondockers, if you like being on the beach and temperate weather, you’ll love the Baja LTVA. Full-time RVers can spend the summer or winter season here at campsites that start at only $300 for the season for beach access and views and a double-wide 45′ site. You can contact the Baja LTVA with questions, make a reservation and securely pay online at [email protected] while their website., is under construction.
The art of boondocking is to be able to stay in one of those places for as long as possible without having to break camp as well as enjoying as many amenities as possible. While we love being out in the wild, we are not willing to give up our TV, electric coffee pot, refrigerator/freezer, computers, Internet and other conveniences. The Art of Boondocking is an accumulation of our experience living completely off the grid with solar for power, cell phones, sat phones, MiFi and various antennas for communication, Internet and over-the-air TV as well as satellite dishes for TV and Internet, to maximize our stay without giving up many of our creature comforts.
We’ve divided our Art of Boondocking into the following sections:
- Stay Small
- Maximum Stay
- Budget
- Solar
- Stay Kool
- Stay Warm
- Backup Plan
1: Stay Small

If you are planning to stay at Federal Parks and Forests, keep in mind that most Federal Campgrounds will only take RVs with a length of 20′ or so , as the sites were originally designed for tents. You are also limited access to many roads if you are over-sized, as it was assumed that tenters would be traveling in one maneuverable vehicle. We found this out when trying to camp at the great campgrounds we had read about in Denali Park, Alaska, where rigs over 20′ or towing trailers were denied access. We had a 12′ Lance camper but were towing an 8′ trailer, our solar power station. We had to stay in a campground that was basically a paved parking lot with pull-throughs and no length limits, right off the main highway. That was a real disappointment. While we chose 20 feet as the minimum we could use with us and our two Great Danes (please see our Camping with Two Great Danes article), only you can decide where you want to go and pick the RV that meets your needs.

A note on towing a vehicle or utility trailer. Many parks consider the towed item to be part of the overall length and therefore subject to length limits. Also, some parks only allow one vehicle and as your motor home will count as one, you may not be allowed to bring your tow vehicle to your campsite. Having said that, some parks do have parking lots near their entrances where you can leave your tow vehicle while camping.
2: Maximum Stay
This is not such an easy question to answer as it will depend on many factors. For example,
- Will you have close access to water?
- Is there a dump station close by?
- How much gray and black water can you store?
- How long will your propane last?
- How long will your food last?
- Last but not least, what is the capacity of your solar system?

Our situation required two different answers to the “Maximum Stay” question. 1) When we were traveling throughout the Federal and Provincial Campgrounds, two weeks was the maximum we could stay without breaking camp, dumping and refilling with water. Our 7-1/2 gallons of propane would last much longer than two weeks, but we always topped off. 2) When at our lot in Mexico, we have a small septic system and access to slightly brackish water for washing and showers.

We also have a box van (our workshop) and external propane tanks that can be refilled in town. So if you own or rent a campsite with access to utilities and have a “get-about” vehicle so you don’t have to move your RV, there is no limit to the length of your stay. But if you’re traveling, two weeks is a good guideline to try and achieve.
We should note that we have optimized our motor home to maximize our stay which is detailed in, RV Hobo: Maximizing Your Stay (coming soon). Here is a summary of the best things to do:
- Have a solar system that meets your power needs.
- Use the solar system to minimize propane use, i.e., electric rather than propane refrigerator.
- Use a water recycling system where practical.
- Use paper plates, cups etc., to minimize water use.
- Have portable containers to lug water in and lug gray water out.
3: Budget
Everyone’s budget will differ. The biggest thing is to plan out what your expenses are and be as realistic as possible. Be sure to keep some money in reserve for emergencies and “rainy” days. We have a minimum budget we use available in the article, RV Hobo: Touring on a Budget (coming soon). We also highly recommend purchasing towing insurance with an accommodations rider or hotel discount, so your insurance will cover, or help cover, your hotel room if your RV takes more than a day to be repaired. After much research, we currently use Good Sam Roadside Assistance through Camping World. Although insurance is an extra expense that may never be needed, in the event of a breakdown, the expenses involved without insurance would certainly spoil even the best laid plans.
4: Solar

This is the heart and soul of Boondocking. A well-sized solar system, complete with hot water panels is, in our opinion, a requirement to both travelling on a budget and an enjoyable lifestyle while doing it. We have an all-electric refrigerator, led lights, three laptop computers, 24″ TV, Verizon MiFi (complete with a cell booster) Internet and an assortment of battery-powered power tools. Here is a list of what we are using. These items were bought after living and working off the grid in a remote location in Baja for over 10 years.
- 500 watts of 24 volt solar panels
- 4-300 AMP HR 12 volt deep cycle batteries
- 40 amp MPPT solar charger
- 1500 watt pure sign wave inverter
- smart 80 – 2 amp battery charger/converter
- 2 – 2’x2′ hot water panels
- RV Hobo Kool Kamper
- 3000 watt pure sign wave generator
Please be sure to check out the article, RV Hobo: Effective Solar (coming soon), for the how and why of all of this. What is most important to note is that we stay at many remote locations, well outside of normal cell tower range, with no hookups other than what we carry, and do so in style! We use our IP phones, have Internet access, watch TV and build and repair stuff on a regular basis. And both my wife and I work right from our ‘lil motor home which has a full computer network on board.
5: Stay Kool

Most RVers will like to stay where it is warm. The desert LTVAs and Mexico Beaches are favorite destinations for many of us. Staying kool in the desert and at the beach is the subject of an entire article (coming soon). Remember that you will be off the grid and an RV cannot carry enough solar panels to run its air conditioner. Add to that the fact that the desert and beaches generally do not offer an abundance of shade. See the problem? The easy fixes found throughout the web are pretty obvious:
- Cook outside
- Vent your refrigerator, even add a fan
- Important: paint your roof white
- Install an awning and window awnings.
The “basics” are required, but for us, it wasn’t quite cool enough. We wanted to keep comfortable, or at least as comfortable as we could be. My wife has her masters degree in engineering and is a former JPL engineer. I was a Senior Computer Scientist at a Los Alamos Think Tank. Putting our heads together, we thought there has to be an inexpensive, efficient way to stay cool. This is a problem that has plagued us for years, including when we lived in our home in Baja Mexico where summers were in the very high 90s with humidity about the same.

We found the answers for the RV Hobo Kool Kamper (article coming soon), not from the new state-of-the-art technology, but from the ancient world. These techniques have been used by everyone from the Romans to the Bedouins to keep kool. While the details of the RV Hobo Kool Roof (article coming soon) are available here on the RV Hobo Network, here is the short version:
- Slow down the RV’s absorption of the sun’s heat.
- Move air inside the RV.
- Draw air from the koolest source.
- Use evaporation to really kool things down (low humidity environment only).

Now think about doing all of this with little (5 – 10 watts) or no draw on your solar system. We have developed a way to combine various ancient kooling techniques for use with an RV. We actually use the heat from the Sun to kool an RV, and we’re talking 10 – 30 degrees kooler! Sound too good to be true? See the article, RV Hobo Kool Kamper (coming soon). Anyone with minimal carpentry skills can create an RV Hob0 Kool Roof himself. Our cost was less that $400. An RV Hobo Kool Roof will solve problems for those RVs with leaking roofs, or RVs with older roofs that don’t have plywood underneath and can’t be walked on. An RV Hobo Kool Roof will also strengthen your roof which is a must for a solid solar solar system installation.
6: Stay Warm
Yes, even Baja and Southern California can get cold! While staying at all of those nice, warm southern locations, we have endured many a cold night, and even a few unexpected cold days. Checking average temperatures for the months you’re intending to stay will give a good indication of what to expect.

Like most RVs, our standard RV heater used far too much electricity, so we removed ours and replaced it with a propane heater. In reality, most of the time we needed heat was when we got up in the morning. Experience taught us that we turned the heat on for an hour or so, then the sun warmed things up. But there are times when you need heat throughout the night. Being in the over-regulated state of California, we couldn’t get our first choice of propane heater, the ProCom Vent-Free Heater. This was the one we used in our office trailer in Massachusetts for three winters. We ended up buying a Mr Heater instead, which worked fine for warming up mornings, but without a thermostat, was not suitable for leaving on at night, since it would burn through a small propane bottle within four hours. As soon as we got out of California, we purchased our first choice, the ProCom Vent-Free Heater, complete with thermostat and a connection hose that we adapted to our RV. One of the side benefits we enjoy from this heater is watching it when lit, kind of like watching a fireplace.
Please see the article, RV Hobo: Staying Warm in Style (coming soon) for the details and how-to. We did one other thing with our heater that really made a difference. Since the ProCom does not have a fan, we installed a couple of small, low-wattage fans to blow the heat from the ceiling back to the floor. This not only made us very comfortable, it significantly reduced the amount of time the heater came on, resulting in lower propane use and costs.
7: Backup Plan
Everything, with a little maintenance, works just as planned for us. But, as the saying goes, even the best laid plans often go awry. Consider the following:
- No Sun
- No Cell Reception
- You Breakdown
- Air Conditioning

No Sun. With no sun, our choice of using a 4.5 cubic foot, electric-only, Energy Star refrigerator is already in jeopardy. For this reason, we would never use an all-electric refrigerator without a backup generator and smart solar battery charger/converter. You will have cloudy days or be in a campsite covered by trees, so be prepared. See the article, RV Hobo: Solar and the Generator (coming soon). The backup generator is used to recharge the solar batteries. Even in the worst of cases, 2 – 4 hours of running the generator daily will meet all of our electric needs.

No Cell Reception. Even with our cell booster, it is a frequent occurrence to not have cell reception which is also needed by our MiFi Internet connection. Most of the time we can get by without it, as we have an Intranet Web Server so we can keep writing articles for you. But the long and short of it is, what happens in an emergency, when you are in the boondocks with no cell reception? As a solution, we keep a minimum subscription with our Globalstar Sat Phone. We have used this phone from above the Glaciers in Alaska and Northern Canada all the way to Baja Mexico. Check out the RV Hobo: Globalstar Sat Phone article.

You Break Down. If you break down far from civilization, the costs of repairs can be staggering, but the towing and lodging costs can more than double your breakdown costs. This can ruin your trip. We use Good Sam Roadside Assistance through Camping World which includes discounts for hotels and rental cars. Whatever you choose, make sure it will cover where you expect to travel. Good Sam touts service anywhere in the US, Canada, Mexico, US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

Air Conditioning. I was contemplating removing our RV’s air conditioner when my wife stepped in. She brought up the recent and unexpected hot spell we had just had. While our RV Hobo Kool Kamper works great, when temperatures sore above 100 degrees (we’ve experienced 130 degrees in Baja) in a humid area, you’re still going to get really hot. Because our destinations were so varied, we elected to change our generator purchase from a 2000 watt generator to a 3000 watt generator that could run our air conditioner. We also installed a separate plug for the air conditioner, off of the solar system. We figured if it were that hot we would have an abundance of Sun. This allowed things to work normally and the generator to power the A/C. This also works in campgrounds with electric hookups.
LTVA: Long Term Visitors Area
Note: This article has been updated May 28, 2017 to reflect the recent changes to the BLM’s Northern California campgrounds managed by the Bishop Field Office. Additionally, the BLM website,, has been updated and the links to their field offices and information on LTVAs no longer function. The information about the LTVAs and the long-term campgrounds as cited below is factual unless we get official verification from the BLM that it has changed, at which time we will again update the article.
The Long Term Visitor Areas, or LTVAs, were set up by the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) to accommodate “Snowbirds” (ie, northerners who move to a warmer southern location in the winter). While the LTVAs only offer primitive camping, without full hookups, unlike the National Park and other Federal Campgrounds, you don’t have to pack up and leave after 14 days.
In order to stay in most LTVAs, you must be “self-contained”. As the BLM states in its Supplementary Rules, “Camping is in self-contained units only. Self-contained camping units must have a permanent, affixed wastewater holding tank of 10-gallon minimum capacity. BLM does not consider port-a-potty systems, systems that utilize portable holding tanks, or permanent holding tanks of less than 10-gallon capacity, to be self-contained”. There are exceptions. According to BLM’s Supplementary Rules, “The La Posa, Imperial Dam,and Mule Mountain LTVAs are restricted to self-contained camping units, except within 500 feet of a vault or restroom.”
For those who wish to camp year-round without having to move every 14 days, in addition to the southern California and Arizona LTVAs, the BLM offers five campgrounds in northern California that allow long-term stays. The elevations at these northern campgrounds range from 4000 feet to 7000 feet but summer temperatures will still get into the 100s.
Before continuing with information on the LTVAs, we have to interject here about the Bishop Field Office and the “summer alternative” for full-time RVers.
Bishop Field Office
Although never a part of the “authorized” BLM LTVAs, the Bishop Field Office did offer what they called LTVA permit fees for “long-term camping” prior to 2017. At that time, the permit fee was $300 for the season lasting from the first Saturday in March to November 1st. Even then, we did not understand why Bishop charged $300 for permits while the BLM El Centro, Palm Springs and Yuma Field Offices charged only $180 for their permits.
Now, according to the BLM press release, Long-Term Camping Opportunities Available in the Eastern Sierra, dated Tuesday, May 16, 2017, the Bishop Field Office raised their long-term rates by almost 300%. The following is an excerpt from the above-cited press release: “Under the program, visitors may purchase recreation use permits, which allow camping beyond the established 14 day stay limit for campgrounds managed by the Bishop Field Office. Those interested in long-term camping have the option of purchasing either a 30-day or 90-day permit. Under the approved permit program visitors can camp for up to 180 days per year within BLM campgrounds in the Eastern Sierra. The fee for a 30-day permit is $120. The fee for a 90-day permit is $320.”
From our personal experience staying at the Tuttle Creek Campground in the summer of 2016, wildfires seem to come from nowhere and are common and we had to be ready to evacuate at any time. Smoke often fills the air which is already severely polluted due to the draining of its once pristine lake by the city of Los Angeles. The area has a high cost of living and summer temperatures, even at 5000′, get well into the 100s. We made the mistake of staying at a campsite close to the creek which we don’t recommend. People walked right through our campsite to get to the creek and it was a popular place for them to spend the night drinking and partying very near our RV. In our experience, don’t expect help from the Bishop Rangers. There’s a reason Bishop is rated the worst BLM District in the nation. We cannot in good conscience recommend staying at any of the Bishop-run campgrounds.
A Much Better Alternative
After our unpleasant experience with Bishop’s “long-term camping”, we decided to find something better. We discovered the new Baja LTVA and it is a much better alternative for full-time RVers who need a cool place to go in the summer months. The Baja LTVA has contracts with well-established campgrounds offering unheard-of rates in this magnificent “undiscovered country”. A website is in the works providing all the information and documents you need for a fabulous summer, just a day away in Baja Mexico. Long-term campsites start at only $300 for beach access and views and a double-wide 45′ site.
Baja LTVA Update!
The Baja LTVA has announced the availability of Winter Season stays starting at only $300 for the entire 6 month season. Compare this with San Diego where narrow, 23′ beach access lots can go for $100 per day. Every Baja LTVA enjoys the same weather and beautiful Pacific as San Diego but lots are a minimum 45′ wide and average between 60′ and 100′ deep. $500 for beach front, $400 for row 2 and only $300 for lots in row 3 and beyond, for the entire 6 month season. All with fantastic ocean views and access for you and your vehicle. When walking along the miles of pristine Baja beach, you often find yourself totally alone, something that hasn’t been seen in San Diego for a long, long time.
You can contact the Baja LTVA with questions or to make a reservation at [email protected] while their website is under construction. Learn more from the Award Winning Baja LTVA Series.
LTVAs: Winter
The season during the winter months is from September 15 to April 15 and at $180 for a stay of up to 7 months, it’s a bargain. For short stays of up to 14 days, the permit is $75. The America The Beautiful Interagency Passes, or Golden Age/Golden Access Passports are not accepted.
There are six LTVA campgrounds located in southern California and two located in Arizona. The BLM Field Offices and their respective campgrounds are divided as follows:
El Centro Field Office: [Email]
- Hot Spring LTVA
LTVA permits are required from September 15th through April 15th. During the off-season, April 16th through September 14th, visitors may stay for a maximum of 14 days within a 28 day period. There is no charge during this time. - Pilot Knob LTVA
An LTVA permit is required from September 15th through April 15th. During the off-season, April 16th through September 14th, visitors may stay for a maximum of 14 days within a 28 day period. There is no charge during this time. - Tamarisk LTVA
An LTVA permit is required from September 15th through April 15th. During the off-season, April 16th through September 14th, visitors may stay for a maximum of 14 days within a 28 day period. There is no charge during this time.
Palm Springs Field Office: [Email]
- Midland LTVA
An LTVA Permit for Short-term or Long-term camping is required September 15th – April 15th. Camping is allowed in the LTVA in the ‘off’ season between April 16th – September 14th at no cost, but the standard 14-day limit for dispersed camping on BLM land applies. There is no Camp Host on site during the ‘off’ season. - Mule Mountain LTVA
- Coon Hollow Camp Site
Short term camping without self-containment is only allowed within the Coon Hollow camp site but not in the dispersed areas (the surrounding desert area). A Special Recreation Permit is required September 15th – April 15th. Camping is allowed in the LTVA in the ‘off’ season between April 16th – September 14th at no cost, but the standard 14-day limit for dispersed camping on BLM land applies. There is no Camp Host on site during the ‘off’ season. - Wiley’s Well Camp Site
Short term camping without self-containment is only allowed within the Wiley’s Well camp site but not in the dispersed areas (the surrounding desert area). A Special Recreation Permit is required September 15th – April 15th. Camping is allowed in the LTVA in the ‘off’ season between April 16th – September 14th at no cost, but the standard 14-day limit for dispersed camping on BLM land applies. There is no Camp Host on site during the ‘off’ season.
- Coon Hollow Camp Site
Yuma Field Office: [Email]
- La Posa LTVA
A Long Term Visitor Area Permit is required from September 15th through April 15th each season. From April 16th through September 14th, the fee is $10 per vehicle for day-use, $15 per vehicle for overnight use, or $75 annually per vehicle, for up to 5 people per vehicle. There will be a $1 per person fee charged for each person over the 5 person limit. The maximum stay is 14 days in a 28-day period. - Imperial Dam LTVA
A Long Term Visitor Area Permit is required from September 15th through April 15th each season. From April 16th through September 14th, the fee is $10 per vehicle for day-use, $15 per vehicle for overnight use, or $75 annually per vehicle, for up to 5 people per vehicle. There will be a $1 per person fee charged for each person over the 5 person limit. The maximum stay is 14 days in a 28-day period. For more information, please visit
Long-Term Camping: Summer
The following information was valid prior to the 2017 season and will be updated if any verified changes by the BLM are obtained. Long Term Visitor Area has been changed to long-term as per the BLM’s press release regarding the Eastern Sierra. The Pleasant Valley Pit campgrounds in Inyo County has recently been added, also according to their press release, and information regarding that campground will be updated when the BLM provides it.
Bishop Field Office: [Email]
- Tuttle Creek Campground, Elevation 5,120 ft
Open year round.
Campsite fees: First Come, First Served, No reservations accepted. $5.00/night per site, long-term permits accepted. Golden Age and Golden Access passes accepted for daily fee discounts. The annual long-term use season is from the first Saturday in March to November 1st. During this use season, visitors who wish to camp on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office for extended periods greater than 14 days, must stay in the designated long-term campgrounds and purchase a long-term permit. - Goodale Creek Campground, Elevation 4,000 ft
Open mid-April to Nov 30, weather permitting
Campsite fees: First Come, First Served, No reservations accepted. $5.00/night per site, long-term permits accepted. Golden Age and Golden Access passes accepted for daily fee discounts. The annual long-term use season is from the first Saturday in March to November 1st. During this use season, visitors who wish to camp on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office for extended periods greater than 14 days, must stay in the designated long-term campgrounds and purchase a long-term permit. - Crowley Lake Campground, Elevation 7000 ft.
Open mid-April to Oct. 30
Campsite fees: First Come, First Served, No reservations accepted. $5.00/night per site, long-term permits accepted. Golden Age and Golden Access passes accepted for daily fee discounts.The annual long-term use season is from the first Saturday in March to November 1st. During this use season, visitors who wish to camp on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office for extended periods greater than 14 days, must stay in the designated long-term campgrounds and purchase a long-term permit. - Horton Creek Campground, Elevation 4,975 ft.
Open May 1 to Oct 30
Campsite fees: First Come, First Served, No reservations accepted. $5.00/night per site, long-term permits accepted. Golden Age and Golden Access passes accepted for daily fee discounts. - Pleasant Valley Pit campgrounds in Inyo County, Elevation about 4,200 ft.
The Art of Boondocking
Now you know where to stay for extended periods. The trick is to be able to camp comfortably without breaking your budget. Be sure to read our article, The RVHobo Art of Boondocking, written by a couple of seasoned RVers outlining how to stay for extended periods.
Save BIG With Your Existing Cellphone Technology
What the cellphone companies don’t want you to know. Our cellphone savings alone: $2951.40!
Cell Phone charges have become a major expense to almost everyone around the globe. If you want better services and drastically reduced costs, you should read this article.
Our goal was to break away and/or minimize traditional cell and phone charges while providing an even better user experience while saving BIG money! We are going to tell you exactly how to do the same.
If you already have a smart phone and high-speed internet connection with WiFi, you have the perfect infrastructure to start big savings right now. Continue reading Save BIG With Your Existing Cellphone Technology
Camping With Two Great Danes!
Now what do you do when you need a motor home small enough to get into those great camping spots in National Parks AND you have two Great Danes?
With our 1977 Dodge Establishment motor home, we were really happy with its compact, 20′ length. However, that left two little problems. Where to put our six-year-old Great Danes, Abbie and Ellie?
At first we had them on their bed on the floor by the bathroom, the only place the bed would fit. This of course, caused problems getting in and out of the bathroom. The door would clear the bed but not the Dane on top of the bed, who when sleeping is almost immovable. Having Danes on the floor is always problematic. With a 20′ motor home, our open floor space is about 28 square feet and their bed takes up about 9 square feet of that. Their bed was also at the entrance of the RV, forcing us to run the “doggy obstacle course” when getting in and out. And, although we were comfortable in our bed above the RV cab, it is much colder on the floor for them. And these two do not like it too hot or too cold. They are, after all, Danes.
We have a lovely sofa area at the back of the RV, surrounded by windows. It was a comfortable place to work on the laptop and for watching TV at the end of the day. The sofa also folds down into a 40″x76″ bed. After a few weeks of the Danes sleeping on the floor and us doing the bathroom shuffle, we decided to convert the sofa into a doggy bed. Having them at the back of the RV in their own area solved the problem of hopping over them at every turn. They are also much warmer during the cold months. During the warm months, they get a fan directed at them or, if we’re able to run the A/C, the vents flow the air right on their bed. They are very happy with the arrangement and it didn’t take them any time at all to get used to it.
So now they have about 20% of our living space! We’re also limited to watching TV at the kitchen table. The next project on our RV is going to be converting the kitchen table into a butcher block counter top along the side wall of the RV where we can eat/work. This will eliminate the facing bench chairs so we can put in reclining office chairs. It won’t bring back the sofa, but it will be a lot more comfortable. The kitchen conversion will be the subject of another article.
When Abbie was about two years old, we noticed her stumbling a little when out on walks, with the stumbling getting progressively worse. A trip to the vet revealed she has CSM (Wobbler’s Disease). She has responded well to very low doses of prednisone, 2.5mg every other day. Then, about two years later during a walk, Ellie couldn’t walk. Whereas Abbie’s condition was gradual, Ellie’s was devastatingly sudden. One minute she was running like the wind, the next minute she could barely stand up. The vet recommended a surgeon but after talking with him and his revealing the fact that the odds were she could be worse after surgery, we opted to take her home without the surgery. We spent weeks rehabilitating her and teaching her how to walk again. She now has a gimpy gait, but she does walk. As a result of her Wobbler’s, she has to be helped in and out of the RV as well as onto the bed. She’s also on a higher dose of prednisone, 2.5 mg per day, which has caused her to gain weight. Being senior citizens, we’re very conscious of her weight every time we pick her up! We remind each other to “lift with your legs” to protect your back.
Ellie has never been a big tail wagger and with her Wobbler’s, is even less so. But Abbie’s tail seems unusually long and she’s a huge tail wagger, even with her Wobbler’s. This fact coupled with living in the narrow confines of an RV created a big problem for her. She would wag her tail so violently in the RV (she is a happy dog) that it would actually split it open at the end! Telling her to stop only made her wag it that much harder. A trip to the vet (and many $$ later) produced a bandage at the end and a dose of antibiotics. The bandage didn’t even last until we got home. Searching the Internet, we found that this is a much more common problem with dogs than we realized, and the reason why many breeds’ tails are bobbed (a solution we actually considered!).
We tried taping PVC pipes and pill bottles on the end, but this had devastating effects on any human males in her tail vicinity. After much trial and error, we came up with a solution that has saved Abbie’s tail (and many a male). Using heavy duty, waterproof duct tape and foam pipe insulation, her tail is cushioned and protected and if she beats it against objects or people, it doesn’t hurt. The trick with using duct tape is that as little as possible of the sticky side is against her fur and the “apparatus” is changed often (preferably at night when she wags less) to let her tail breath. Also, we’ve found that prevention is much easier than taping it after her tail is already split open. We’ve outlined the steps of protecting her tail with accompanying photos.
With Ellie’s Wobbler’s, she tends to drag her bad leg. If left unprotected, she would rub her foot, nails and all, down to a nub. We tried pre-made dog booties but found them too stiff for her to walk in. Again, after much trial and error, we came up with a duct tape solution which provides her with a custom-made boot where no sticky side of the duct tape touches her skin. Also, the boot has to be changed every few days to let her foot breath. Her nails also have to be protected because they have a tendency to rub against her skin and cause sore spots.
It’s a delicate balance with walking her. If she gets too long of a walk, it overdoes it on her bad leg resulting with sore muscles. If she doesn’t get enough exercise, her leg muscles atrophy. She already needs help to urinate and defecate so weakening her back leg muscles only makes those tasks harder. Also, she wouldn’t miss our family walks for the world. Everyone who sees here swears she’s actually smiling when she’s out and about. We’ve included the steps for making a flexible, custom-made boot out of duct tape with accompanying photos.
Travelling with two Great Danes does pose interesting problems, especially Great Danes with Wobbler’s. But when you love your pets like we do, there’s no question that every problem has a solution. And considering the alternative, not having these two, has never entered our minds.